Tuesday 26 February 2013

World Book Day

Next Thursday (7th March) it is the annual World Book Day, and we intend to mark the occasion by dressing up!

We are hoping the all the children in foundation stage (and the staff!) will turn up dressed as their favourite story book character.

Perhaps we will see a budding Harry Potter, or maybe even a gruffalo or two! Please also feel free to bring along a book to share (with names in, of course).

Friday 22 February 2013



A great big THANK YOU to all the parents and carers that attended our recent 'Stay and Play' session. It was lovely to see such a good turn out. The day was a huge success and the staff are very much looking forward to the next one!

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Stay and Play session

Only 2 more sleeps until our very first 'Stay and Play' sessions in nursery!

We are anticipating that there will be a lot of you attending. We're not quite sure where you will all fit, but we'll give it a go! If the weather is fine we will be able to run 'free-flow' between indoors and outdoors, so wrap up warm!

The morning session will begin at 9am. Please come via the usual entrance where the staff will greet you as usual. Feel free to hang your coats etc on your child's peg, and begin playing! There will be hand outs on the day giving brief details about the activities on offer and the learning intentions for these.

There will be a brief welcome for all in our usual manner, complete with songs, then further opportunity to explore.

Children will pause for their snack and milk whilst parents leave with the teacher for a short talk about our setting. Hopefully this will prove to be useful and informative.

We always welcome your input when it comes to your child's learning. We will be encouraging you to look through and add to your child's individual assessment book. Refreshments will be on offer plus the opportunity to talk with the teacher about any issues or questions you care to raise. Once the session has finished, you are free to take your child home if you wish to.

The afternoon session will run as above with a 12.30 start.

If you are unable to attend for any reason, do not worry. We intend to run further sessions during the summer term and promise to give you plenty of notice again. Any child with parents who cannot attend are very welcome to come to nursery at their usual times of 8.30-11.30 or 12.30-3.30.

See you there!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

More PE



We love taking part in physical activity sessions!

Walking, running, skipping, jumping, rolling, bending, stretching, jogging, balancing....Such fun!

Beat baby

I would like to introduce you to a very special member of our Nursery. Meet....

Beat Baby!
Beat Baby helps us to understand about the rhythm and rhymes in words. We know lots of different chants about Beat Baby. I'll bet you have even heard some of them at home!
We love Beat Baby so much, we even allow her to join in with our other activities...

Goodnight Beat Baby. See you next time!

Try the Beat Baby chant with your child. Pat alternate knees in a steady rhythm and repeat the following together:

Beat Baby, Beat Baby oh so small,
Beat Baby, Beat Baby curled up in a ball,
Beat Baby, Beat Baby can't see you at all,
Beat Baby, Beat Baby can you hear our call?

Monday 4 February 2013

Stay and Play sessions

We are looking forward to welcoming parents and carers to our 'Stay and Play' sessions running on 14th February 2013 in nursery. You should have received a letter recently giving timings for the session, and we hope to see as many of you as possible.

This is the very first time that we have hosted such sessions, but we hope that they will become a regular feature of the academic year. As this first session is to be held on Valentines' Day, you can expect to take part in some Valentines' themed activities with your children. We will be icing love buns, threading hearts and generally having fun!

This day will be the perfect opportunity to understand what a typical nursery day entails. The staff will be on hand to answer all your questions and there will be a chance for you to look through your child's assessment book and add comments. We'll even let you have coffee and a biscuit if you have been good!

We look forward to seeing you then.